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Introduction to Some Related Problems of Surfacing Roller
Roller is the core component of rolling mill. The use of rolls involves the selection of the rolling mill, the preparation of the rolls, the maintenance and the regular trimming during the rolling process, which are all factors that affect the productivity, product quality and production economy of the rolling mill. Since the rolling process is a continuous process, the operator needs to constantly check the roll condition so that the product can meet the user's requirements for stricter tolerances and surface quality. In order to maintain the competitiveness of products, it is necessary to continuously require mill operators to reduce production costs, that is, to increase the rolling speed, increase the production flexibility of the mill, and reduce the consumption of rolls. So what should be paid attention to when surfacing roll?
Some knowledge points of roller
Cable tray equipment roller is an important part of the cable tray equipment. What are the characteristics of the design and use of the cable tray equipment roller? The design and use of the cable tray equipment roller has the following characteristics.
High-speed steel roll ring manufacturers: what are the commonly used high-speed steel and the advantages and disadvantages of high-speed steel
High-performance high-speed steel by adjusting the basic chemical composition and adding other alloying elements, can be used to cut high-strength steel, high-temperature alloys, titanium alloys and other difficult-to-process materials, so that its performance than ordinary high-speed steel to improve a step.
High speed steel roll ring manufacturer: common failure forms and causes of rolls
The roll is a tool for plastic deformation of metal (rolling material), and it is also an important vulnerable part that determines the efficiency of the rolling mill and the quality of the rolling material. The roll is an important part of the rolling mill in the rolling mill. It uses the pressure generated by a pair or a group of rolls to roll and grind the steel. It mainly bears the influence of dynamic and static load, wear and temperature change in the rolling process.
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